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اختلالات في محاربة كورونا (كوفيد19) بالأكاديم ...
وراء القضبان

" كلَّما رنَّ جرسُ باب منزلنا بعدَ غروب الشمس، أقفزُ من مكاني هلعاً. تُرى ! من يكون الطارق؟ هل عادوا من جديد؟
لقد عادوا باستدعاء جديد، وعادوا بعد غروب الشمس.
كنتُ أسمع فقط في حكايات ماضينا عن زوار الليل، لكنها ربما عادةٌ مستحبة لهؤلاء الزوار أن يأتونا ليلا، ليأخذوا عمراً لمكاتبهم.
عمر ابني وحبيبي وقرّةُ عينيَّ، منحته كلَّ الحب في حضني الذي منحه القوة والأنَفَة والكرامة.
اخترنا له اسم الشهيد عمر بن جلون لحقنه بحب الوطن والتضحية في سبيله حتى الشهادة. واخترنا لأخيه الصغير الجميل اسم الشهيد المهدي بن بركة ليستمر فينا بطلا وشهيداً.
كبُرا معنا وتقاسما معنا الشقاء في حياة بسيطة بالكاد تحقق لنا عيشا كريما .
لم تكن حياة سهلة ولم نستطع أن نحقق لهما ما يحلم به الأطفال، لكن حققنا لهما تعليما في المدرسة العمومية التي تفوقا في جميع مراحلها وحتى الجامعية، وحققا حلمنا وحلمهما في أن يكونا من الصفوة العلمية.
وها هو المهدي غادر البلد إلى الخارج غضبا من ظروف العمل وإجحاف المسؤولين وهو خريج أهم مدارس الهندسة في المغرب.
أما عمر الذي أصرَّ على البقاء في وطنه خدمة له وفضحاً لفساد الفاسدين وضعوه هؤلاء في مرمى قنص الشجعان و الشرفاء والأبطال .
لك يا حبيبي يا عمر حياتنا فداءً لك .
سِرْ فأنت على الطريق الصحيح.
فتيحة الشاربي أم عمر "

سهام بياه
Recently released former Riffian Hirak political prisoner Rabii al Ablak ربيع الابلق has just issued a statement through his personal Facebook page informing the public of his intention to enter an open ended hunger strike, starting immediately, in solidarity with the rest of the Hirak prisoners who were not only excluded from the pardon/release but further had most of their hard earned rights and privileges revoked in a surprise escalation move on the Makhzen’s part.
Rabii and all his comrades who were held in the Tangier prison were recently released on the anniversary of the “Throne” national holiday. All, that is, with the exception of Mohamed Jelloul, the teacher, twice political prisoner father of 3 who is spending his 8th year behind bars and who got all his rights revoked before being herded to solitary confinement without cause.
Rabii’s critical decision is the latest in a series of rapid succession events concerning the “Rif Hirak” remaining political prisoners whose situation continues to escalate over the past few weeks. It was a mere 24 hours ago that the public has learned Of Ashraf Moudid’s suicide attempt in the Selouan prison in Nador and the decisions of both Bilal Ahabbad and Mahmoud Bouhanoush, the youngest political prisoners (both initially indicted as minor children) in that same prison to also also enter an open ended hunger strike in protest of the inhumane conditions they endure at the hands of the warden, which were the main reason their comrade Ashraf tried to put an end to his life.
Additionally, the public just learned that Nabil Ahamjik and Nacer Zefzafi, currently held in Ras Lma prison in Fez have entered an open ended hunger strike themselves since last Friday on account of yet another round of unprovoked escalations from the prison administration. The news were communicated through their respective mothers who included a very powerfully moving, heartbreaking and tearful plea to save their sons’ lives whom have not been able to visit their since March of 2020 because of covid-19 restrictions and who have since been abused and mistreated.
In light of these issues at hand and as the Makhzen continues to tighten the grip on the political prisoners currently in its custody, showing no relief in sight, Rabii declares that “he sees no choice but to yet again put his life on the line and enter another open ended hunger strike” so as to draw attention to all these issues and “heed my comrades’ requests and demands and hear their suppressed voices, awaiting their eventual release”.

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